01I was sitting at the airport of Vladivostok waiting for boarding. It was 13.00 in local time. I was flying back home with a sense of satisfaction and sadness. Satisfaction because God was all over! Sadness because I love the brethren, the church, these days I “rooted” to them with all my heart, so I did not want to leave …


A wonderful church in Ussuriisk, Vladivostok! A wonderful pastor, the ministers! We spent a couple of days that will be remembered for a long time, it was really “flowing anointing oil” on Psalm 133: “How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Thank you Pastor Alexander and Irina Volkova for the warm welcome, thank you brethren for your care, thanks church for open hearts! May God bless you abundantly!

Honestly, I had a little different view of the Far East. Previously, for some reason I thought that it’s cold there and people are “colder” than in Ukraine, but I have completely changed my mind!

I’ll start from the very beginning. My wife and I met two brothers from the church “Higher calling” at the airport of Vladivostok. Their broad, sincere smiles and willingness to help immediately arranged our hearts. I saw their genuine joy because of our meeting! Thank you, brothers!

A new, modern airport of Vladivostok reminded me of something similar on its project to a new airport in Lviv. It was a warm, sunny weather. My lungs were filled with fresh air, of which my native city Donetsk is not rich with! While getting into the car, I did not immediately realize that the steering wheel is on the right (a lot of cars in the Far East have a right-hand drive), I almost got into the driver’s seat.


Nature, stunning landscape, hills, valleys, buried in greenery, streams, rapid rivers, coast and ocean, the Pacific Ocean. This is the unforgettable beauty of Primorsky Krai!

All the way, the brothers were telling me about their land, nature, life, willingly answered my questions. As always I was interested in all spheres: how people live, how they earn their living, what kind of industry they have, roads, what kind of fish is caught in the rivers, what mushrooms and berries grow in the woods, etc.

I noticed that people are relatively satisfied with their lives! It was nice to see that they love their land, their people. I especially noticed it after meeting with the pastor of the church “Higher Calling” Alexander and his wife Irina.

To Ussuriisk we drove about two hours. Basically, the roads are pretty good, although at one section of the road we shook pretty well. I was told that they are making a new “federal” one-way movement road Vladivostok – Ussuriisk.

On the way, we were joined by Pastor Alexander and his wife. They caught us up in their jeep, which had run many roads. We warmly and happily greeted each other and went to Andreevka (how many cities with this name are there in this world?) All the way we were talking animatedly.

15Alexander – a tall young man, very energetic, communicative, with a good sense of humor, enthusiastically talked about their land, the spiritual life. We were talking about everything, even for a minute nonstop. His wife, Irina, a mother of five children – quiet, discreet, wise young woman, she spoke very seldom – maybe giving a chance to speak to her husband.


In Andreevka, at a recreation center, which is located on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, it was lively enough, although I was told that almost all the campers had left. We settled in a cozy wooden house, and swam in the Gulf of the Sea of Japan, which flows into the Pacific Ocean (the water was quite warm), we fished in the crystal clear mountain river with rapid current, caught “spotty fish” and cooked delicious fish soup from the catch (I’ve never eaten nothing of the sort!) and we talked a lot. I noticed to myself that the brothers are simple, love God and like to laugh heartily. We bought Fareast boiled crabs with huge paws, which we ate and ate … Yummy!

On Thursday after lunch we went to Ussuriisk. I was very much “worried” about the fate of Siberian tigers that I like (I have read so much about them, watched the TV program). The pastor explained that for the purpose of their protection, under the decree of the President of Russia, a special tunnel is being built, so that the road would not intersect with the way of migration of the tigers, which have died under the wheels of cars. I am glad that the government is doing everything to save these amazing, the largest cats in the world! And not only…

In the conversation, not only one person recalled with gratitude the Russian government, which provides care in relation to the young and large families. For example, one young family from the church got an apartment, and another family with many children received the land to build a house free of charge. In Russia, each family in which there are three or more children receives a free piece of land on the President’s program. In general, we noted that the standard of living here is much higher than in Ukraine. It is good that the government cares about the people, and Christians, in turn, bless and pray for the government of his country, to that we are called by Scripture.


On the same day in the evening after settling in the hotel, pastoral school began and I was teaching for three days on “The nature of God” (one of my favorite topics). In the evening there was a meeting for pastors and leaders. They are very open and sensitive to the Holy Spirit people! It was easy to teach, I enjoyed God, His presence, His word!

On Sunday, I served at the general church meeting in Ussuriisk in a nice, cozy hall. It was obvious that the people – quite mature spiritually, burning, loving God! I am well aware that this is the fruit, above all, of the pastor Alexander and Irina’s ministry, who dedicated their lives to God and to the people of their land.


Alexander started church when he was only seventeen years old! He told us the history of the church. It was not easy, he was young, not all were faithful, but God was with him and gave him a fairly faithful and able ministers who supported his hands, loved and respected him (it was obvious). When I asked one of the ministers of the church: “Why do you love your pastor?” He said, “For honesty, loyalty, integrity, dedication …” It was so good to hear! Alexander himself loves the church, people, he is dedicated to God, loves his city, country, people!

In the evening I was taken to Vladivostok to serve in the young church “Higher calling”, and my wife stayed to hold a meeting for women.

During these days my wife and I heard so many words of gratitude that we were even embarrassed, we have not really used to it. People came to us again and again during these days to say thanks for the ministry and for the word.

Thank you, my dear friends, for your words of gratitude! It touched our hearts very much! You cannot even imagine how we value your kind words on the background of many trials through which we are passing now! May God bless you! I believe that we will meet again! We will be happy to see you in our church, to come (God willing) to you again! There is power and blessing in the Christian fellowship in the Holy Spirit!

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